Alexandre Fragoso Machado
Contracts | Licensing | Intellectual Property | Advisory and Specialized Litigation
Brazilian, Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, (Rio de Janeiro) since 1999 and (São Paulo) since 2004.
Industrial Property Agent accredited by INPI since 2005. Startup Consultant.
Graduated in Law from PUC-Rio (1997). Specialist in Intellectual Property Law at PUC-Rio (2002). Specialist in New Technologies at CEU-IICS (2005). LL.M. in Commercial Law from USP (2013).
Professor of the Specialization Course on Innovation at UNICAMP and the Specialization Courses at ESA OAB / SP. Trademark Comission Co-Coordinator ABPI. Member of the Counsel ABAPI.
Author of the book "The trademark and its Integrity", Bookstart, 2015. Author of several specialized articles.
Languages: Portuguese, English and French.